
Let's bring it to a LEGO stage!

January, 2004. After the web publications of LEGO-tributes to the Beatles ( John Rudy and Bea) and AC-DC (Marlon's famous guitars), I decided that I should bring the P-Funk to a LEGO stage. My P-funk heroes are Bootsy Collins (the figure left with star glasses and space bass) and George Clinton (the figure right with grey beard and beads in his hear). You can learn more about P.funk, the new rubberband and others in e.g. the New Funk Times.

The bass plays a very important role in Bootsy's music. The following pictures allow for a comparison of Bootsy with his LEGO image.

This LEGO stage is equipped with the best sound system that is available to give you an unforgettable experience of BASS. Check the red bass-speaker (which is a giant sub-woofer) under the first platform for the drums, the choir and the keyboard wizard (Bernie Worell). Have I told you already about my own subwoofer?

The guitar player between the "horny horns" and above the drums could be recognized as Garry Shider.

Just to be sure that Bootsy is feeling some Bass, I have put him on top of a giant Bass-sound system.

On 26 januari 2004, Llooking for websites with the keywords "LEGO" and "Bootsy" , I found a very nice story, written in Dutch language, that I will not keep for myself. For those who can read Dutch: check d.c. lama