What is this ???
The car just shown tries to simulate the movement of a real car that drives with a speed of 40 km/hour and brakes fully on only the front right wheel.
The lego car brakes with a very simple wheel driven mechanism. This mechanism was developed by Joep at age 12.
The car movement in the example above was just one of many more movements. The movements were carried out by an experienced stuntdriver in a car that was equipped with devices for measuring accelaration in all directions, the steering angle, the status of the brake and a datarecorder. The brakes could be disabled for every wheel separately. The purpose of these experiments was the verification of a software model that predicts the movement of a car just after a collision.
Now, I think it is easier to make a software model that predicts the following movement than a LEGO-car-model for the following movement.
The speed was 60 Km /hour. During a very short time the driver had to steer and brake simultaneously. The brake for the left front wheel was disabled. After this time both brake and steer were left out of control by the driver.